Dear Little Froggy

Dear little froggy, 

Do you know how much joy you have brought to me today? 
Do you know how I bent under hot Texas sun, 
leaning in closer and watching water run 
over the parched flowers on this routine Monday?

Do you know how much joy you have brought to me today? 
Do you know how I gasped as you jumped right out 
of your quiet leafy spot which is a nice hideout
from the hot sunny rays which inhabit the midday?

Do you know how much joy you have brought to me today? 
Do you know how I giggled and laughed and chuckled 
as your wet webbed feet climbed and then huddled 
at the bend in my elbow on this routine Monday?

Do you know how much joy you have brought to me today?  
Do you know how wondrous you are, little friend,
to be made by a God whose love would extend 
to a creation so majestic it puts beauty on display? 

Do you know how much joy you have brought to me today? 
Do you know the burden of living on earth 
cursed by choice and left to question your worth;
thinking, wondering, doubting on this routine Monday?

Do you know how much joy you have brought to me today? 
Do you know that by just merely existing 
you give evidence that Jesus is always persisting 
that He cares for the smallest life in the biggest way?

Do you know how much joy you have brought to me today? 
For my troubles were many and my worries more, 
but you taught me to take a step just out my door
and love a little more on this routine Monday. 


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