Empty Vessels

Have you ever enjoyed a good cup of coffee? 

Me and my good friend Michelle, enjoying good company & coffee. 
I sure have (well, let me clarify: I have enjoyed a good cup of coffee-flavored milk. My heart doesn't seem to understand that Americans are supposed to drink gallons and gallons of coffee, because every time I drink it, my heart almost shuts down and my body shakes) (okay, that was a bit exaggerated) (but just a bit). *clears throat* I digress. 

If you've ever enjoyed a warm cup of your favorite beverage, you know the satisfaction that comes from seeing that full cup, brimming with frothy and steamy goodness. The full cup is always better than the empty cup - am I right? 

And you know what? I bet that the cup thinks so, too. I bet that if I could have a conversation with that dusty mug sitting in my cupboard, it would tell me how lonely, purposeless, and useless it feels sitting on that dark shelf. That no matter how beautiful its colors are, or how priceless the porcelain, or how large its brim, it is never content until its void is filled with a substance for which it was created to hold. Until it is sees that hand reaching out, holding it by its handle, filling it up, and using it for its created purpose. After all, when you look at a cup, you naturally think that it is made to hold something. Why? 

Because of its void.

Voids must be filled in order to bring satisfaction and contentment.

And if they are not filled, purposelessness, emptiness, and uselessness abound. After all, of what use is a cup that is never filled? 

In the last 45 years, suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one million people die from suicide. This represents a global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000. 
One death every 40 seconds

We all long for contentment. We all long for satisfaction. We all long to be needed. We all long to mean something to someone. We all long to fulfill a purpose in life. Everyone, from all walks of life, can agree to this. 

Then what is creating this void? 

Sin. Specifically, the sin of pride. 

You see, we were created for a purpose (which is why we long to fulfill it). We, unlike what some would have you believe, are not wandering aimlessly through a pointless existence (that is the silliest thing that I have heard! You are a human who was designed for so much more than uselessness!). We were created to be instruments of glory for God to use. We were created as the vessels for God to fill with His joy, His creativity, His peace, His intelligence, His desire, and His love. 

But we rebelled. We told the Potter that we didn't want to be filled with the Living Water that He made us to hold; we chose instead, out of our pride, to fill ourselves with a heavy, poisonous, ugly, and deadly liquid that cracked and broke us. He loved us and knew what was best for us all along. 

The fact that we see a void in the human race is not surprising. It is the evidence of the need for something not of this world to provide us with joy. My friend, consider the thought that, perhaps, you cannot fill the void that exists within you. No amount of delicious food and drink, makeup, perfect grades, selfies, money, fame, knowledge, girlfriends & boyfriends, movies, pornography and pleasure that you find here will ever bring you real satisfaction. You know this. Do things that you have found here on earth keep you happy? Or do you constantly find yourself searching for something else to give you contentment? Deep down inside, you know that you do. I do, too. 

That is because we are empty vessels, created to be, aching to be, yearning to be, filled. 

When you look at the human race, the evidence all points to the fact that we were created to be filled. Why? 

Because of our void.

But praise be to the God of heaven and earth, I have found the substance which fills me up and rectifies my void. 

His name is Jesus. 

"Oh the devil's singing over me 
that age old song, 
that I am cursed and gone astray. 
Singing the first verse so conveniently over me. 
He's forgotten the refrain:
(Embracing Accusation, by Shane and Shane. Please listen to the whole song - you won't regret it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI1sSZ1zTEs)

Depending on how fast you read, approximately 6 people have taken their own lives since you started reading this post. This world is searching for something to fill its emptiness. 

But, let it be known, to the ends of the earth, that we have gone astray, but Jesus saves. 

Precious one, stop trying to fill the void yourself. You can't fill it. A cup can't fill itself. It requires someone more powerful, more wise, and more knowledgeable than itself to do that. 

I have found joy and purpose and peace in allowing Jesus to pour life into my dead bones. This doesn't mean that I am perfect, not at all; it means that one day, when I return to be with my Father in heaven, I will be perfected and finally able to live in perfect relationship with my Maker - which has been my purpose all along. 

If you are struggling or have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me: elsasunshinecastro@gmail.com. We all have a Jesus-shaped void, and I want you to know Him like I do, because, believe me, there is nothing better than for a vessel to be used for the purpose that it was created for. 


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