And then He said. . .your Friendship is worth it.

Galentine's Day might be my new favorite day of the year.

Yep, you read that correctly. Not Valentine's Day, but Galentine's Day. If you have not watched Parks & Rec, your poor soul will not know what this day is all about. . .

Galentine's day is held on February 13th. It is a day in which you celebrate the wonderful girlfriends in your life with flowers, food, and family. My dear friend Christina and I had our first annual Galentine's Day last Saturday (February 13th). Perhaps we had too much fun. . .

Salad: greens, blueberries, strawberries, apples.

Dressing: olive oil, raspberry vinaigrette, and salt to taste. 

Sweet Potato Fries 

Fruit Crisps     

But, you know what? The best part about this evening was not the food or pretty pictures. It was the sweet fellowship and conversation that I had with Christina that made it so wonderful. I came away from this wonderful time of relaxing & talking & laughing and I thought. . .gosh, Jesus has smiled upon me. 

But then I remembered that this friendship has not come easily. 

Christina and I have fought for our friendship. 

It's come with lots of time. 
With confrontation. 
With words of encouragement. 
With commitment. 
With hugs. 
With accountability. 
With tears. 

And lots & lots of Jesus. 

And you know what? It's worth it. 

But you know what's cooler? Jesus says that your friendship is worth it, and mine, too. And that's pretty amazing, because He knew from the beginning that we would push Him out. He knew that we would put ourselves first. He knew that He would have to take the responsibility of seeking reconciliation. 

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: 
while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8

Friendship is the beautiful fabric by which the tapestry of Love is made. All that Jesus did for us - suffering, experiencing humiliation, giving up everything, dying - was so that He could know us. So that He could talk to us. So that He could help us. So that He could be with us. So that He could be our Friend. That is His desire. 

Jesus fought for our Friendship.

And as we struggle through this world ruined by our own sinful choices, Jesus cares enough to give us just a glimpse of what what He created us for by our imperfect friendships. And if we will just put away our pride and realize that we were created for that - perfect fellowship with Jesus - and that we long for it, life will be so much sweeter. 

Galentine's Day is pretty fun. . .but you know what? Each and every day I get to talk with my friend Jesus, and that's even better. And in Heaven, on that glorious day, I will get to enjoy perfect, untainted, and beautiful fellowship with Him. 

His friendship is worth everything. 


  1. I love how you see Jesus in everything. I'm thankful for your friendship...and I miss you!


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